
Season 2, Episode 6 “Rhinoceros” is a tense one at times. Bill and Charpie give their quick reactions on this episode of the hotdish. Turns out Ed isn’t the only one who can’t sit in Peg’s chairs. Dodd and Bear have a go until Floyd brings order. Stand-offs and guns blaze. Ed is a the rabbit now according to Charpie. Karl Weathers has his…burp…moment.


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Fargo Brewing Company – Visit the taproom, plan a trip and get here…just do it. You won’t regret it. Woodchipper IPA is the stuff…plus we got to see a foot in a meat grinder in tonight’s episode. – Go and visit them and sign up. Each new membership gets you a free book with your trial. Check it out because Audible is a fantastic way to listen to books.